Aims and Scope

Aims & Scope

To meet the demand of respected researchers,  the Journal is published Quarterly. I wish this will assist to promote the level of global knowledge.

The main topics that the Journal would welcome are:

Medical and biological science
Bioethics, Medical ethics, Ethics in medical genetics, Ethics in alternative medicine, Ethics in health administration, ‎Nursing ethics, Ethics in mental health, ‎Ethics in sport and etc.
Education of ethics, Ethics in education, Ethics and social science, Ethics and human rights, Ethics and media, Professional ethics, Ethics ‎and ethnicity, Ethics in management, Ethics in historiography, Ethics and civilization, Ethics and law, Ethics and politics, Ethics and politics, ‎Ethics in literature, Philosophy of ethics and etc.
Technical and engineering science
Ethics in engineering, Ethics and IT, Ethics in ‎industry, Ethics in nanotechnology, Ethics and nuclear ‎technology, Ethics in NBIC and etc.
Basic sciences
Ethics and mathematics, Ethics and chemistry, Ethics and geology, Ethics and linguistics, Ethics and physics and etc.
Agricultural and veterinary science
Ethics and water consumption, Ethics and environmental pollution, Ethics and natural resources, Ethics and agriculture, Ethics in forestry, Outer space ethics and etc.‎
Art and architecture
Ethics in art, Ethics and urban, Ethics in Architecture and etc.

 We would be very delighted to receive your Original papers, Review Articles, Short communications, Case reports and Scientific Letters to the Editor on the above men­tioned research areas.

Prof. Hosein Eskandari
Editor in Chief 

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