Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2019)                   Int. J. Ethics Soc 2019, 1(2): 42-52 | Back to browse issues page

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Banisi P. Relationship between Work Ethics & Mental Health with ‎Organizational Growth ‎. Int. J. Ethics Soc 2019; 1 (2) :42-52
URL: http://ijethics.com/article-1-30-en.html
Department of Psychology and Advice Islamic Azad University, West Tehran, Tehran, Iran , spss.computer2010@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2913 Views)
Background: Attention to ethics is a serious work in organizations that today attracts the attention of organizations more than ever. The present study conducted to investigate the relation between mental health with work ethic and organizational growth in ministry of education of Tehran providence.
Method:  Information gathering method was correlational descriptive and in terms of objective it was practical. The statistical population consisted of 2355 staffs all working in ministry of Tehran’s education. The data collection tools were three standard questionnaires as follows: Spaides organizational growth Questionnaire (2007) with a reliability coefficient of 0.83, the Goldberg and Hiller mental health questionnaire (1978) with a reliability coefficient of 0.85, the Gregory Sipeti work ethics Questionnaire (1990) with a reliability coefficient of 0.86. Collected data analyzed by SPSS-22 statistical software using K-S and multiple regressions.
Results: The results were as follows: A) There is a meaningful relationship between the ethics of working with mental health in the education staff of the city of Tehran, and ethics make up 65.7% of the changes in mental health B) There is a significant relationship between work-related ethics and organizational growth in Tehran's education and training staff and work ethic explains 53.5% of organizational change changes.
Conclusion: Observing the principles and techniques of work ethics, in order to increase the level of mental health and organizational growth, can be realized through educational programs.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/10/14 | Accepted: 2019/03/30 | Published: 2019/03/30

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