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International Journal of Ethics and Society

Volume 6, Number 4 (2025-1)

Realization of Professional Ethics among Employees of Scientific and Educational Centers (Case Study of Razi University, Kermanshah)
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Relationship between Personality Traits of Temperament and Character and Professional Ethics: The Mediating Role of Psychological Defense Mechanisms
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Analyzing the Relationship between Moral Climate and Sense of Belonging to School and Academic Success: The Mediating Role of Iraqi Students' Academic Hardiness
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

A Narrative Exploration of Transformation of Moral, Social and Cultural Values among Generation Z in the Context of Marriage
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Considerations in Protecting the Marine Environment from the Effects of Oil Pollution and Its Support by International Law
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Considerations of Influencing Behavior Using Computer Technology
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of the Federal Supreme Court in Ensuring the Supremacy of Moral Custom and Islamic Law in Iraq
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Analysis of the Responsibility Gap in Artificial Intelligence
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 6, Number 3 (2024-11)

Ethical Challenges of Using the Internet of Behavior in the Medical and Healthcare Practice
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Effect of National Culture on the Level of Compliance with Financial Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Adherence to Social, Economic and Political Values in Cultural and Moral Development
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Analyzing the Relationship between Perceived Educational Ethics and Thinking Styles of Students with Academic Enthusiasm: The Mediating Role of Academic Engagement
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Political Immorality and Power Struggle in the Arsacid Empire
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Comparative Study of Human Dignity as the Foundation of Ethics in Islamic Philosophy and Western Humanistic Philosophy
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Moral Anomie From Émile Durkheim's Point of View
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Violation of the Ethical Principle of Patient Autonomy in Pandemics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 6, Number 2 (2024-7)

Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Resilience with Emphasis on Work Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethics and Gender in Taliban Political Thought: Women's Rights and Freedom of Speech
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

New Institutionalism and Ethical-Cultural Analysis of Administrative Corruption in Iran
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Philosophical Foundations of Post-Modern Citizenship Education and Implications of Social-Ethical Education
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

A Comparative Study of Compensation for Moral Damages in the Legal System of Iran and England
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Moral Challenges of Societies During Pandemics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Explaining the Hacking of Society's Information Systems from the Point of View of Ethical Theories
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Dual Nature of AI; A Double-Edged Sword Amid Digital Transformation; an Ethical Analysis
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 6, Number 1 (2024-4)

The Relationship between Liberalism and Human Values Based on Public Interest: Moral Understanding of Social Responsibility
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Pattern of Faculty Members in Iran's Higher Education
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Analysis of the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Cooperative Social Responsibility and the Organization's Moral Climate
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Moral and Social Effects of Implementing Alternative Punishments of Imprisonment
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Conflicts in Compulsory Arbitration with the Right to Action and Judicial Justice
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Origins, foundations and scope of agricultural ethics: A conceptual framework
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Harmony of Science, Technology and Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Moral Living from the Perspective of Thomas Aquinas
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 5, Number 4 (2024-2)

Investigating Ideals of Professional Ethics in Islamic banking
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Relationship between Components of Ethical Governance and Social Capital
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Effect of Social Undermining and Unethical Interactions in the Organization on Employee Procrastination: The Moderating Role of Positive Psychological Capital
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical and Legal Challenges Facing Academic Start-Ups in Using Social Media
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical and Legal Dimensions of Abusing the Emergency Circumstances of People in Marriage In Iran
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethics and Law: The Place of Fairness in Fair Proceedings
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Examining the Moral Values in Shanfara’s Lamiyat al-Arab using Thomas Nagel’s Ethical Theory
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Explaining Suicide from the Viewpoint of Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 5, Number 3 (2023-11)

The Role of Social Conservatism in the Slippage of Professional Ethics: A Comparative Comparison of the Public and Private Sectors of the Auditing Profession
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Relationship between Auditors’ Moral Disengagement and Audit Quality
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Evaluation of the Professional Ethics Model of Physical Education Teachers in Iran
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Effect of Market Orientation and Technological Innovation on Business Performance: Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

A Perceived Causal Relations Model for Social Control of Academic Transgressions Among Faculty Members
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Developing a Framework for Evaluating the Skills and Morals of Digital Humanities Scholars
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Concept of Justice as a Moral Virtue of Societies in the Discourse of Liberal Democracy
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Position of Professional Ethics of Teachers in Virtual Education of Schools
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 5, Number 2 (2023-8)

Prediction of the Auditor's Professional Skepticism Based on the Ethical Climate of the Organization and Demographic Characteristics of the Auditor
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Identifying Moral Damages Caused by the Lifestyle of Students Affected by Cyberspace
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Sense of Security and Social Cohesion in Adherence to Social Moral Values
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Model of Ethical Variables Affecting Branding
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Ethical Values in the Meaning of Life and Its Impact on Education from the View of Frankl's Approach
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Attar's View of the Infra-structure of Self-Knowledge of Man's Perfection and the Ethical Society
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Favorable Social and Moral Consequences of Organized Crime Management in Society
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Educational System and Moral Teachings in the Process of Political and Social Development of Developing Countries
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 5, Number 1 (2023-5)

Designing a Causal Model of Buyers' Orientation in the Decision-Making Process According to Ethical Factors
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Relationship between Machiavellianism and Moral Identity of Auditors: Examining the Role of Gender
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Studying the Mediating Role of Intellectual Ethics in the Relationship of Digital Leadership and Smart Decision-making
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Model of Ethical Components Affecting Political Development in Higher Education
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Relationship between Dewey's Moral Contextualism and Kant's Deontological Ethics in Abortion
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Free Will as a Fundamental Basis of Moral Action According to Mulla Sadra and Kant
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

A Review of Research on the Professional Ethics of Managers
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Communication Ethics: From Theory to Practice
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 4, Number 4 (2023-2)

Analyzing the Relationship between Competitive Intelligence Activities and Ethics with Sustainable Competitive Advantage and Capabilities of Technology Commercialization
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Evaluation of professional ethics relations and the level of implementation of the policies of the Organization of Natural Resources, Forests, Ranges and Watershed Management of the country
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Trust the Ethical Principle of Virtual Interactions: Designing a Dynamic Model of Factors Affecting the Trust of Social Network Users
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Predicting Organizational Ethics and Justice based on Managers’ Narcissism according to the Behavioral Approach
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Constructing the Impact of Social Commerce on Customers' Electronic Loyalty with an Emphasis on the Ethical Values of the Organization
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Investigating the Obstacles to Achieving Good Governance in the Public Sector with an Emphasis on Civic Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Brand Ethical Personality Model in Iran's Consumer Products Market
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Ethics in the Development of Arbitration Clauses Towards Third Parties in Iran
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 4, Number 3 (2022-11)

Validation of the Professional Competency Model of the Faculty Members According to the Ethical Components
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Ethical Ideologies and Economic Conservatism on Corporate Social Responsibility Attitudes
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Factors Influencing Organizational Purchasing Behavior with Emphasis on Ethical Components
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Provide a Model of Investors' Financial Behavior based on Psychological and Ethical Factors
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Impact of Galatea Components on Auditors' Ethical Judgment
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Commitment and People-Centeredness in the Poetic Elements of Ballads (Aref, Bahar, Rahi Mo’ayyeri and Moeini Kermanshahi)
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Ethics in Economic Diplomacy and Its Impact on the Relations Between Iran and China in Recent Years
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

A Comparative Look at the Ethics of Gods and Paladins in Iliad and Shahnameh
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 4, Number 2 (2022-8)

Investigating the Effect of Concept Mapping in Learning Ethics in Accounting
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical and Social Value Creation of Positive Marketing for the Company, Customer and Community
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Designing an Entrepreneurial Marketing Model with Emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Identification and Ranking of Antecedents Affecting Ethical-Emotional Acting in Education
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Evaluating the Model of Information Transparency as an Ethical Component in Electronic Auctions in Organization for Collection and Sale of State-Owned Properties
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Impact of Ethical Foundations on Reporting Audit Whistleblowing: Evidences from Private Audit Firms
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Educational Ethics: The Role of the Democratic School in Primary Education
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Pattern of Application of Moral Education in Cyberspace Based on the View of Allameh Tabataba'i
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Effective Factors on Social Responsibility as a Moral Component in Bank
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Implications of the Bartering System in Counseling and Psychotherapy: An Economic Psychology and Ethical Approach
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 4, Number 1 (2022-5)

Designing and Assessing the Model of Developing Employees' Moral Courage
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Presenting a Model for Creating a Glass Roof as a Factor that Reduces Organizational Justice
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Designing a Branding Model for a TV Talk Show with an Emphasis on Ethical & Social Factors
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Effectiveness of Motivational Patterns on Creativity, Self-Worth & Ethical Commitment to School
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Testing the Pattern of Social Responsibility as a Component of Educational Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Effect of Professional Commitment on Auditors' Ethical Whistleblowing: Moderating Role of Gender and Age
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Analysis of the Relationship between Self-Control and Social Desirability with the Ethical Report of Banking Delinquency (With Emphasis on Demographic Characteristics of Employees
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Investigating the Effect of Organizational Culture and Team Work on Teachers' job Performance Emphasizing the Mediating Role of Professional Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Effectiveness of the School Management Ethics Program Using the Rate of Return on Investment (ROI) Model
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Analyzing the Relationship between Perceived Social Responsibility and Employees' Affective Commitment and Green Behaviors: Mediating Role of Ethical Climate
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 3, Number 4 (2022-2)

Variables Affecting the Creation and Development of Bank Loss Syndrome with Emphasis on Ethical Variables
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Provide an Ethical Model for Using Social Networks in Provid-ing Products, Services & Maintaining Customer Responsibility
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Identifying & Ranking the Ethical Components of Comprehensive Performance Management in Public Organizations
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Job Commitment Model (as Part of Professional Ethics) in Employees of Public Organizations
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Social Components Affecting the Occurrence of Moral Gap
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Predicting the Psychological Empowerment of Faculty Members Based on the Spiritual Leadership Model
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Perceived Value in the Sharing Economy; The Role of Empathy, Citizenship Behaviour & Extra-Role Behaviour
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Anthropological Study of Women's Narratives during the War with an Ethical Approach
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 3, Number 3 (2021-11)

Designing an Ethical Targeted Marketing Model by Identifying Factors Affecting Customer Clustering
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Explanation of the Role of Ethical Climate & Social Undermining in Employee Job Involvement
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Relationship between Moral Foundations & Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Designing a Strategy Mixed Ethical Marketing in a Children's Book Based on the Parents' Purchase Intention
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Predicting Moral Behavior based on Psychological Health, Lifestyle and Prosocial Behaviors
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Study of the Effects of Managers’ Professional Ethics on the Decision-Making Strategies: Moderator Role of Information Management Systems Capacity
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Bibliometric Analysis of Ethics and Technology Research Based on Google Scholar from 1983 to 2020
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Musts and the Must-nots for Translators (A Glance at Principles of the Free Translation of Literary Texts from English to Persian)
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 3, Number 2 (2021-8)

Designing & Validating a Model of Organizational Policy Perception Indicators Based on Political Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Identifying the Effective Factors on Ethical and Social Education of Students
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Emotional and Cognitive Empathy, Moral Metacognition and Quality of Life in Predicting Moral Behavior of Nurses
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Social Capital and Environmental Ethics of Farmers
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Analysis of Science & Knowledge from the Perspective of Evidence to Prove Criminal Cases: Philosophical-Ethical Study
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Ethics in Civil Liability Focusing on the Principles of Carrier’s Civil Liability (A philosophical-ethical study)
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Morphology of the Religious-Moral Ideas of A. J. Ayer and the Influence of Russell and Early Wittgenstein on Him
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Unethical Consequences in the Financial Reporting Process
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 3, Number 1 (2021-4)

The Role of Organizational Silence & Organizational Mobbing on the Turnover Intention
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Relationship between Participatory Ethical Culture and Evaluating the Performance of Knowledge Employees and Its Outputs
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Designing a Good Corporate Governance Model in the Context of Ethics and Rationality
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Effect of Intentions on Ethical Purchasing Behavior in Islam: The Moderating Role of Subjective Knowledge and Perceived Reliability
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Provide a Model for Evaluating Public Policy with an Emphasis on Professional Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Challenges of School Principals during of COVID-19
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Investigating Criminal Responsibility of International Organizations in the International Law System
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethics and Excuse in Contract Execution in Iranian Civil & Commercial Law
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 2, Number 4 (2021-2)

Predicting Employee Productivity based on Work Ethics and Organizational Learning
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Mapping Customers’ Mind Value to Avoid Pseudo Needs in Consuming Drinks during Flight based on Ethical Marketing Approach
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Predicting Self-Efficacy based on Professional Ethics and Professional Development
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Bank Ethical Responsibility to Compensate for Services Failure and Its Revival
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Effectiveness of Kohlberg’s Dilemmas and Inducing Positive Emotion in Emotional Expectation and Moral Decision Making
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Social and Ethical Requisites of the Legal System to Enforce Foreign Judgments for Family Lawsuits
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 2, Number 3 (2020-11)

Presenting Model of Ethical Strategies based on Social Media Marketing
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Leadership Style and the Dark Personality Dimensions of Effective person in Earnings Management
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Organizational Strategies Model of Employee Performance based on the Organizational Justice
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Developing the Moral Codes of Teachers in Islam: Synthesis Research Based on the Roberts’s Model
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Conflict of Interest and Ethical Dilemmas of Independent Auditors; Situations and Strategies
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Comparison of the Ethical Status of Public and Non-Profit Primary School Students
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 2, Number 2 (2020-8)

Analyzing Relationship between Meritocracy and Individual Consequences in Public Organizations: The Moderating Role of Islamic Ethics Values
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Barriers to the Use of Ethical Measures in Green Human Resource Management
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Designing a Normal Model of Ethical Marketing in the Hotel Industry
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Designing a Professional Ethics Model for Primary Teachers in Yazd
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Role of Ethical Leadership and Proactive personality on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Explaining the Mediating Effect of Positive and Negative Emotions
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Identifying the Components and Factors Affecting the Professional Ethics of Teachers
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 2, Number 1 (2020-6)

Investigating Relationship between Spiritual and Religious Orientation and Positive Feelings toward the Spouse
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Investigating the Relationship between Ethical Factors on Job Motivation in the Employees of North Khorasan Power Distribution Company
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Consideration and Job Satisfaction: Analyzing EFL Teachers' Job Satisfaction and Their Performance with Focus on Ethical Issues
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Effect of Professional Ethics on the Organizational Culture
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Investigating the Role of Commitment and Professional Ethics on Primary Teachers' Attitudes toward Personalizing the Learn-ing Process
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethics & Food: Food as a Strategic Commodity or a Natural Right of the Individual
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 1, Number 4 (2020-2)

Human Resource Productivity Indicators Factor Analysis: Emphasizing Scientific and Ethical Factors
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The Traumatic Effect of Instrumental Ethical climate on Contextual Performance of Bank Personnel
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Investigating the Ethical Factors Justifying and Inhibiting Academic Cheating among the Students of Accounting
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Investigating the Impact of Ethical Ideology and the Threat ‎of Self-Interest on Ethical Decision-Making of Auditors
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Moral Eco-theism; A Study and Explanation of the Impact of Ethics on Nature
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical Codes and Psychotherapy
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 1, Number 3 (2019-12)

Relationship between Social Responsibility, as an Ethical Factor ‎and Corporate ‎Image
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Predicting Professional Ethics Based on Organizational Culture
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

How is Nurses' Awareness of Ethical and Legal Issues Related to ‎Caring for Older Adults‌?‌
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Effect of Personality Characteristics' Dimensions on Ethical ‎Leadership
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Professional Ethics and Knowledge Sharing within Supply Chain: ‎the Role of Trust
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Ethical and Social Consequences of Dogmatism in Society
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Epigenetic and Ethics: How are Ethical Traits Inherited?‎
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 1, Number 2 (2019-9)

Iran’s Biotechnology Needs to Cross of Bioethics Debates Lags
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Relationship between Components of Perfectionism and Ethical ‎Intelligence and Job Burnout in Elementary Teachers
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Relationship between Work Ethics & Mental Health with ‎Organizational Growth ‎
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Considering the Role of Culture and Organizational Voices on ‎Teachers’ Professional Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Accounting Ethics
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Analysis of Geriatric Dignity as an Ethical Component by the ‎Rodgers Evolutionary Approach
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Professional Ethics Codes for Global Media
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Intention Involvement in the Nature of Plagiarism
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Volume 1, Number 1 (2019-5)

Students’ Quality Failure and Pressure on Instructors for Participating in Immoral Academic Activities
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]